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Introductions, Minutes, and Announcements After introductions by continuing and new members of the Council, the Minutes from the 5 May 2011 CGE meeting were considered. After the spelling of Keith Holzs name was corrected in two places, Cindy Struthers moved approval of the Minutes, with Esteban Araya seconding. The May 5 Minutes were unanimously approved as amended. Dr. McGinty pointed out that the meeting dates and places for all CGE Fall 2011 meetings are now posted at  HYPERLINK "http://www.wiu.edu/gened/about.php" www.wiu.edu/gened/about.php -- those in Macomb will meet in 60 Horrabin Hall this Fall, with a CODEC connection to Council member Andrea Hyde in Room B16 on the Quad Cities campus. The Chair reported that CGEs Annual Report for last year was presented to the Faculty Senate this Fall by last years Chair, Dr. Cindy Struthers. The Senate accepted Dr. Struthers report as presented. Council members were reminded that Oct. 7 is the deadline for departments to submit their General Education Assessment Reports for all sections of all Spring and Summer 2011 courses. CGE and the Provosts Office are making sure that assessment deadlines and Gen Ed writing expectations are being sent each semester to the relevant chairs and faculty. Faculty Senate President Steve Rock brought greetings from the Senate and thanked CGE members for their continuing efforts on behalf of the universitys students. He reminded CGE members that they are always welcome to attend Faculty Senate meetings (every other Tuesday) whether or not CGE has business before the Senate. Reports College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Associate Dean Russ Morgan reported on the state of basic skills (writing and mathematics) among 鶹ý students. A large percentage of entering freshmen need the two remedial courses of English 100 (approximately 45 percent in recent years) and Math 099 (more than 50 percent in recent years). In addition only about 20 to 25 percent of 鶹ý teacher education students (all teacher education majors, in all four colleges) are passing the states Basic Skills Test, required of all those applying for formal admission to any teacher education program at 鶹ý; these pass rates are comparable to (but slightly below) the statewide pass rates on the Basic Skills Test, which must be passed before one may be certified to teach in Illinois. The state recently raised the passing score for the test, leading to a dramatic drop in the number of 鶹ý students passing (from approximately 85 percent to approximately 25 percent). The CAS Faculty Council has established a subcommittee to investigate what can be done about the writing and math skills of 鶹ýs students, and CITR has designed on-line tutorials for newly admitted freshmen, which may be completed even before students matriculate at 鶹ý. Candace McLaughlin, Director of the University Advising Center and the Councils longest-serving member, distributed copies of this years General Education Handbook, which is used by new students and by advisors during the summer at SOAR sessions (when the Fall catalog is not yet available), as well as throughout the year. She asked that any corrections or suggestions for improvement for next years edition be sent to Julie OBrien ( HYPERLINK "mailto:JA-O-Brien@wiu.edu" JA-O-Brien@wiu.edu), the point person for the Handbook. Ms. McLaughlin asked the Council to consider whether the statement About the General Education Curriculum on page 4 of the Handbook was still accurate, and to consider if we wanted any revisions in it for next year. She also reminded Council members that this would be her last year on the Council, as she is retiring from 鶹ý. Chairperson McGinty handed out the sheet of CGE duties and asked what the Councils pleasure was concerning handling Gen Ed course articulation for those courses not articulated through the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). Dr. Struthers reported that last year she had 298 such courses to review, which she handled on her own. Ginny Boynton suggested setting up subcommittees for each of the divisions (Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences/Math, Multicultural, Human Well-Being). Dr. McGinty added this issue to the Councils New Business for the day. General Education Assessment Dr. Nancy Parsons, Interim Associate Provost, asked the Council to explain its role in General Education Assessment and how Gen Ed Assessment data has been dealt with by the Council in the past. She was particularly interested in how the Council fulfilled three of its assigned duties: f. To receive and review departments plans and reports on assessment of General Education. g. To determine on the basis of assessment results the level of adequacy of students achievement of the goals of General Education. h. To determine on the basis of assessment results the effectiveness of any changes the Council on General Education approved for the curriculum of General Education. Council members explained that former Assoc. Provost Judi Dallinger had reported assessment results to the Council each semester, broken down by goal, and under each goal, by department and course. Jess White commented that the Council does all three of these duties as needed, but that CGE has not approved any changes in the Gen Ed curriculum for a number of years, so h has been dormant recently. Assoc. Provost Parsons asked about the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) visit, and Council members explained that HLC had met with a combined group of current CGE members and members of the former General Education Review Committee, which had reviewed the Gen Ed Curriculum a number of years earlier. Dr. Parsons stressed that assessment is a major concern of the HLC. Dr. Parsons would like CGE to take a more significant, active role in working with departments on General Education assessment. Council members expressed hesitance to become an enforcement committee dealing with violations of the requirements for Gen Ed assessment reporting, or for approaching individual faculty members or departments; these, CGE members emphasized, were duties of the Provosts Office. CGE Chairperson McGinty agreed that the Council could take additional steps to encourage more effective data collection and to ensure better synchronicity between departments approved Gen Ed Assessment plans and their data collection processes. Dr. Parsons asked about the analysis of the Gen Ed assessment data presented to CGE. Council members explained that they reviewed it each semester, but that only a few years worth of data had been accumulated thus far, not enough to discern patterns, and that some of the data collected had been flawed or incomplete. When Dr. Parsons asked how the Provosts Office had been informed of Council analyses of data, CGE members explained that the Provosts Office representative (former Assoc. Provost Dallinger) had been present during CGE deliberations and had therefore understood the Councils consensus. CGE had not written reports; the Minutes from those meetings recorded the issues and concerns that were raised. Assoc. Provost Parsons explained that she had not yet found in her files the General Education Assessment data reports presented to CGE by former Assoc. Provost Dallinger; several Council members agreed to forward to her the emails with Excell spreadsheets attached which Dr. Dallinger had sent CGE members in recent semesters. General Education Articulation Process The Council returned to the matter of handling requests for articulation of transfer courses for Gen Ed credit. Chairperson McGinty shared examples of transfer requests he had been holding because their Gen Ed equivalent at 鶹ý was not clear. Jess White moved and Ginny Boynton seconded that CGE establish subcommittees by Gen Ed division to review transfer requests not already articulated under the IAI. Diana Allen made the friendly amendment that the Chair establish email lists for each divisional subcommittee and have those ready before the next CGE meeting. The amended motion passed unanimously. Once the subcommittees are established, Dr. McGinty will forward transfer requests to the relevant Transfer Articulation Subcommittee, which will meet electronically to determine if and how each request should be articulated with respect to General Education. Its business for day being concluded, the Council adjourned at 4:57 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, September 22, 2011. 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